May 17, 2022

Senate Unanimously Passes Whitehouse, Cotton Resolution to Designate May as ALS Awareness Month

Washington, DC – Last night, the Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution introduced by Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Chris Coons (D-DE), and Mike Braun (R-IN) to designate May 2022 as ALS Awareness Month.

“It takes tremendous courage from patients, families, and friends to cope with an ALS diagnosis – a relentless and debilitating disease,” said Whitehouse.  “It’s my hope that, by passing this ALS Awareness Month resolution, we will draw attention to those affected by ALS and the researchers working on new treatments on the path to a cure.”

“Each year, thousands of Americans are diagnosed with ALS—a progressive and disabling disease for which there is no cure.  I’m proud to work with my colleagues to raise awareness about ALS and help bring relief to Americans living with the disease,” said Cotton.

“ALS is a cruel disease that takes the lives of thousands of Americans every year, and we must work together by sustaining research and expanding treatment and therapy options.  That’s why I worked so hard to secure passage of my bipartisan ACT for ALS bill, which President Biden signed into law last year, and continue to work with my colleagues to secure full funding for that law today,” said Coons.  “I hope that with more awareness around ALS, we will be able to better support patients and their loved ones, and move closer to a cure.”

“There is no ALS survivor community, so it’s a top priority for me to advocate in Congress for those that are diagnosed with this devastating disease.  As a co-founder of the first Senate ALS Caucus with Senator Coons, I am proud to join my Senate colleagues in designating May as ALS Awareness Month,” said Braun.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a neurodegenerative disease affecting the ability of the brain to control muscle movements.  Individuals with ALS progressively lose the ability to speak, walk, and breathe.  There is currently no cure or treatment to halt or undo the effects of ALS.

Whitehouse and Cotton have been leading advocates for Americans living with ALS during their time in Congress.  Their ALS Disability Insurance Act, which eliminates the five-month waiting period before ALS patients can receive Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, was first introduced in 2016 and finally signed into law in 2020.

Text of the resolution can be found here.

Rich Davidson (202) 228-6291 (press office)

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Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
