August 4, 2017

Whitehouse, Markey Weigh in on Confirmation of FERC Nominee Neil Chatterjee

Washington, DC – Today, the Senate confirmed Neil Chatterjee as a Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Edward J. Markey (D-MA) met with Chatterjee before his confirmation to discuss the important role the Commission plays in the growing renewable energy industry.  Specifically, the Senators raised the Commission’s proposed rulemaking on energy storage and distributed energy resource aggregators, which will help regional energy operators integrate small renewable energy installations like rooftop solar into their grids.  The rule completed the notice and comment period, but cannot be finalized until a sufficient number of FERC Commissioners are confirmed. 

“I appreciate Mr. Chatterjee’s willingness to talk to me and my colleagues today about how the Commission can help to level the playing field for the renewable energy industry.  He clearly appreciates the value of new technology and understands how the Commission’s guidance will help ensure these technologies are incorporated into regional energy markets.  Mr. Chatterjee agreed that the Commission should not give short shrift to our renewable energy industry, and that this rule, which is almost done, would not be unduly delayed.  He heard our concerns and I will hold him to that commitment,” said Whitehouse.  

“I thank Mr. Chatterjee for meeting with me and sharing his goals for his appointment to FERC.  He is a strong supporter of renewable energy and energy storage, and I was pleased to hear his commitment to FERC playing an integral role in America’s 21st clean energy economy,” said Markey.

The renewable energy industry currently employs over 677,000 Americans and provides 15 percent of our energy supply.

As our nation’s energy market regulator, the Commission regulates large energy projects and can promulgate rules that give our states and regional grid operators the guidance they need to revise energy market rules that will better accommodate emerging technologies into our energy grid.  The Commission’s proposed energy storage and distributed energy resource aggregators rule would reduce existing market barriers and better facilitate inclusion of electric storage resources and distributed energy resource aggregators into wholesale electric markets.  Solar energy providers support the Commission in proceeding with this rulemaking. 


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
