September 22, 2018

Whitehouse Statement on Blasey Ford Decision

Washington, DC – Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) released the following statement on Christine Blasey Ford’s acceptance of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s request to testify next week about her sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh:

“Dr. Blasey Ford made it clear to the Committee she is willing to testify next week with reasonable precautions for her safety and ground rules to ensure a fair hearing.  She did so in spite of Republicans’ astounding disregard for basic due process in failing to order the completion of a background investigation.  That shows impressive courage on her part and lends her even more credibility. 

“Even in accommodating Dr. Blasey Ford’s request for a few additional days, Chairman Grassley has rejected many of her reasonable requests to ensure a fair process.  Next week’s hearing, as currently contemplated, will be a kangaroo court, because the Republicans have done everything in their power to prevent the consideration of any outside evidence, whether corroborating or exculpatory. Republicans should respect Dr. Blasey Ford’s wishes, as they should respect the wishes of all victims of sexual assault. 

“And if I were Brett Kavanaugh, and I cared the smallest bit for my reputation and authority as a jurist, I would part ways with this Republican charade and demand we go back to square one:  an FBI investigation.  If he did nothing wrong, he should want his name cleared.  Instead, he’s gone along with this, offering blanket denials and backing a phony process that undermines his credibility.” 



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Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
