October 6, 2018

Whitehouse Statement on Kavanaugh Confirmation

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the following statement on his vote today against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court:

“I developed deep concerns with Judge Kavanaugh early in this process.  He holds a narrow view of constitutional protections for women, a troubling affinity for dark money, and a worrying disregard for precedent and important judicial principles.  Also, he sides – nine times out of ten – with big Republican corporate and special interests over regular Americans.  Our next justice needs to remain independent of those interests; Judge Kavanaugh signaled the opposite.  That cost him my vote.

“Then came credible allegations of sexual assault against Judge Kavanaugh, and remarkable testimony from Dr. Blasey Ford.  She was calm, composed, and utterly believable.  President Trump called her testimony ‘credible’ and ‘compelling,’ as did many of my Republican colleagues.  She even provided real evidence, including prior consistent statements, to corroborate her account.

“We then learned the true measure of Kavanaugh.  His bitter, partisan conspiracy theories ought to disqualify any nominee to the bench, let alone to the highest court in the land.

“Through this dark episode for the Senate and our democracy, I find reason to hope.  President Trump mocked her, and Republicans ignored her, but Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony lit a fire.  Like the brave Rhode Island women who shared their own stories with me this week, Americans are shedding the long and unfair legacy of shame, fear, and stigma associated with sexual violence and trauma, to come forward with their experiences.  It has been a personal honor to share this moment with these Rhode Islanders, and to be trusted with their stories, and I am very hopeful the fire they lit will lead to change. 


Press Contact

Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
