Cozy relationship between Justice and right-wing billionaire. Check.
Flotilla of billionaire-funded “amici. Check.
Big payday for polluters. Check
This is getting repetitive.
An Oil Giant Railroads Its SCOTUS Connection To Gut Environmental Law
A fossil fuel tycoon tied to Neil Gorsuch and other corporate power brokers are pushing the Supreme Court to hel...
“The administration played a key role here in bringing the parties together and defending American workers and the union workers against foreign giants.
Nice work, Team Biden.
How Biden helped end a strike that threatened Democrats in November
The White House played a major role in the the deal that opens the ports until January, postponing the issue until after this November’s election.
I would challenge the assertion that the Federalist Society picked these justices. No Federalist Society vote, action or agenda ever considered the “Federalist Society list.”
The list was made up by the billionaires behind the Federalist Society and their minion Leonard Leo.
The relentless desire of the polluters to pollute, at all costs, and of their paid-for toady attorneys general to serve them at taxpayer expense, was on full display here. Even this Supreme Court couldn’t take it.
Supreme Court clears way for Biden limits on methane and mercury pollution
The Supreme Court refused to block new Biden rules requiring fossil-fuel-fired power plants to slash emissions of to...