February 6, 2019

Whitehouse Statement on State of the Union

Washington, DC – Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) released the following statement on President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address tonight:

“It’s hard to listen to a man with such a demonstrated inability to tell the truth — or even keep his word with members of either party — try to sell us on the idea that he’s now ready for bipartisanship and unity, that he’s poised to bring us together.  Trump’s fantasies about his wall, his deafening silence on climate change, and his Nixonian attack on Department of Justice investigators, did not help.  I do applaud his recognition of our soldiers and law enforcement officers for the terrific work they do, and am eager to help with childhood cancer, infrastructure, and lowered drug prices.  We’ll see how serious he is about those issues in the weeks ahead. 

“Despite the chaos and corruption of the Trump administration, I will keep on with the real bipartisan work Congress has done on issues like opioid addiction, criminal justice reform, and protecting our oceans.”


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Meaghan McCabe, (202) 224-2921
